HPE LTO-1 : 100/200GB Ultrium Tapes (C7971A)

AED 130.00 (Inc. VAT)
Brand: HPE       SKU: C7971A      

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HPE LTO-1 : 100/200GB Ultrium Tapes (C7971A)

AED 130.00 (Inc. VAT)
Brand: HPE       SKU: C7971A      

 Sold out but we have more in transit and may have a close replacement in stock. Place the order and we promise to get back to you with the exact delivery time or a similar product
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Information about HPE LTO-1 : 100/200GB Ultrium Tapes (C7971A) from Vendor Site

  • HP/HPE LTO-1 Ultrium Tape
  • 100GB Native, 200GB Compressed
  • Works with LTO-1 Tape drives

    HPE LTO Ultrium Tapes are available from LTO-1 to LTO-8 formats, in Non Labelled and Pre-Labelled formats.

    HPE LTO Ultrium Tapes are available from LTO-1 to LTO-8 formats, in Non Labelled and Pre-Labelled formats.

    Exhaustively tested, HPE LTO Ultrium cartridges meet all your demands for maximum reliability when restoring data, offering high storage density, ease of management and scalable storage and backup performance. Covering eight generations of capacity - LTO-1 (200 GB), LTO-2 (400 GB), LTO-3 (800 GB), LTO-4 (1.6 TB), LTO-5 (3 TB), LTO-6 (6.25 TB), LTO-7 (15 TB) and LTO-8 (30 TB) – and with transfer speeds of up to 2.7 TB/hr for LTO-8, there is a platform for every need and budget. From LTO-3 onwards, LTO Ultrium WORM cartridges enable the creation of compliant, permanent and tamper-proof archives. From LTO-4 onwards, secure AES-256 encryption provides even higher levels of data security and compliance with the most stringent industry regulations to prevent unauthorized data access. From LTO-5 onwards, HPE LTO Ultrium Linear Tape File System makes using tape as easy, flexible, portable and intuitive as using other removable and shareable media, such as a USB drive.

    Highest Capacity and Performance of any Comparable Tape Technology

    HPE LTO-8 Ultrium can write or read data at a blistering 2.7 TB/hour, storing, encrypting and protecting up to 30 TB on a single cartridge, making it ideal for large-scale, 24 x 7, mission-critical IT environments (assumes 2.5:1 compression).

    An 85% increase in the number of tracks and a 8% increase in bit density has permitted an increase in capacity from 15 TB for LTO-7 to 30 TB to LTO-8: from 3,584 tracks for LTO-6 to 6,656 tracks for 8th generation HPE LTO-8 Ultrium 30 TB cartridges (assuming 2.5:1 compression).

    HPE LTO Ultrium cartridge memory chip delivers faster access time and enhanced media monitoring.

    First time restore ensured with fewer media failures and disrupted backups, regardless of duty cycle or environmental conditions.


    Tape is more reliable than Enterprise SATA disk. With a BER of 1x10 to the power of 19 for LTO-8 versus 1x10 to the power of 15 for Enterprise SATA HDD's. That's a difference in reliability of four orders of magnitude – e.g. tape is 10,000 times more reliable than Enterprise SATA HDD.

    Estimated data loss over 10 years for 1 Exabyte archive is 1.1 Petabytes for HDD compared to only 7.4 Terabytes for tape.

    Superior 'smart grabber' mechanism and mechanical interlock to prevent the leader pin from being pulled inside the tape housing. Sensors detect proper connection and prevent leader loss that would ruin the tape. Simplified tape path to reduce wear, tear & build-up of debris (important in automation)

    HPE brand qualification test procedures (load/unload, shoeshine, drop testing and environmental stress testing) go far beyond what is required for the LTO Ultrium logo.This ensures maximum reliability for restoring your data.

    HPE warrants LTO Ultrium cartridges for up to 30 years archival life. This ensures businesses can meet the ever-increasing demands of regulation for data retention and archiving.


    Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) version provides tamper-proof, compliant data storage.

    Data encryption for enhanced data security on HPE LTO-4, LTO-5, LTO-6, LTO-7 and LTO-8 Ultrium. Compliance with FIPS 140-2 level 1 security standards.

    Value for money

    Standardizing on HPE LTO Ultrium delivers the capacity to meet shrinking backup windows, industry-standard, AES 256-bit encryption (IEEE1619.1), and interchangeable RW or WORM media, without extra space or IT resource overhead.

    Open standard technology ensures compatibility across product generations and gives you more choice. Cartridges are available as Custom Labeled, Non-Custom Labeled (both Custom and Non Custom include RFID options for some formats) and non-labeled versions.

    Tape Drive LTO-1 Media LTO-2 Media LTO-3 Media LTO-4 Media LTO-5 Media LTO-6 Media LTO-7 Media LTO-7 M8 LTO-8 Universal Cleaning
    LTO-1 Tape Drive Read/Write
    LTO-2 Tape Drive Read/Write Read/Write
    LTO-3 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
    LTO-4 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
    LTO-5 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
    LTO-6 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
    LTO-7 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
    LTO-8 Tape Drive Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write
    Characteristics LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-7 LTO-7 TypeM LTO-8 LTO UCC
    Recording Format LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-7 LTO Ultrium 7 Type M (M8) LTO-8 Cleaning
    Part No. C7971A C7972A C7973A C7974A C7975A C7976A C7976B C7977A Q2078M Q2078A C7978A
    Native Capacity 100 GB 200 GB 400 GB 800 GB 1.5 TB 2.5 TB 2.5 TB 6 TB 9TB 12 TB -
    Compressed Capacity 200 GB 400 GB 800 GB 1.6 TB 3.0 TB 6.25 TB 6.25 TB 15 TB 22.5 TB 30 TB -
    Assume Compression 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 -
    Data Transfer Rate ( Native/Compressed) MB/s 20/40 40/80 80/160 120/240 140/280 160/400 160/400 300/750 300/750 360/900 -
    Tape Length (meters) 609 609 680 820 846 846 846 960 960 960 -
    Material Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle Barrium ferite (BaFe) Barrium ferite (BaFe) Barrium ferite (BaFe) Barrium ferite (BaFe) -
    Variants Read Write (RW) Read Write (RW) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) -
    Archival Life 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years -
    Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Max 50 Cleanings Per Tape

    Description, Specifications for HPE LTO-1 : 100/200GB Ultrium Tapes (C7971A)

    • HP/HPE LTO-1 Ultrium Tape
    • 100GB Native, 200GB Compressed
    • Works with LTO-1 Tape drives

      HPE LTO Ultrium Tapes are available from LTO-1 to LTO-8 formats, in Non Labelled and Pre-Labelled formats.

      HPE LTO Ultrium Tapes are available from LTO-1 to LTO-8 formats, in Non Labelled and Pre-Labelled formats.

      Exhaustively tested, HPE LTO Ultrium cartridges meet all your demands for maximum reliability when restoring data, offering high storage density, ease of management and scalable storage and backup performance. Covering eight generations of capacity - LTO-1 (200 GB), LTO-2 (400 GB), LTO-3 (800 GB), LTO-4 (1.6 TB), LTO-5 (3 TB), LTO-6 (6.25 TB), LTO-7 (15 TB) and LTO-8 (30 TB) – and with transfer speeds of up to 2.7 TB/hr for LTO-8, there is a platform for every need and budget. From LTO-3 onwards, LTO Ultrium WORM cartridges enable the creation of compliant, permanent and tamper-proof archives. From LTO-4 onwards, secure AES-256 encryption provides even higher levels of data security and compliance with the most stringent industry regulations to prevent unauthorized data access. From LTO-5 onwards, HPE LTO Ultrium Linear Tape File System makes using tape as easy, flexible, portable and intuitive as using other removable and shareable media, such as a USB drive.

      Highest Capacity and Performance of any Comparable Tape Technology

      HPE LTO-8 Ultrium can write or read data at a blistering 2.7 TB/hour, storing, encrypting and protecting up to 30 TB on a single cartridge, making it ideal for large-scale, 24 x 7, mission-critical IT environments (assumes 2.5:1 compression).

      An 85% increase in the number of tracks and a 8% increase in bit density has permitted an increase in capacity from 15 TB for LTO-7 to 30 TB to LTO-8: from 3,584 tracks for LTO-6 to 6,656 tracks for 8th generation HPE LTO-8 Ultrium 30 TB cartridges (assuming 2.5:1 compression).

      HPE LTO Ultrium cartridge memory chip delivers faster access time and enhanced media monitoring.

      First time restore ensured with fewer media failures and disrupted backups, regardless of duty cycle or environmental conditions.


      Tape is more reliable than Enterprise SATA disk. With a BER of 1x10 to the power of 19 for LTO-8 versus 1x10 to the power of 15 for Enterprise SATA HDD's. That's a difference in reliability of four orders of magnitude – e.g. tape is 10,000 times more reliable than Enterprise SATA HDD.

      Estimated data loss over 10 years for 1 Exabyte archive is 1.1 Petabytes for HDD compared to only 7.4 Terabytes for tape.

      Superior 'smart grabber' mechanism and mechanical interlock to prevent the leader pin from being pulled inside the tape housing. Sensors detect proper connection and prevent leader loss that would ruin the tape. Simplified tape path to reduce wear, tear & build-up of debris (important in automation)

      HPE brand qualification test procedures (load/unload, shoeshine, drop testing and environmental stress testing) go far beyond what is required for the LTO Ultrium logo.This ensures maximum reliability for restoring your data.

      HPE warrants LTO Ultrium cartridges for up to 30 years archival life. This ensures businesses can meet the ever-increasing demands of regulation for data retention and archiving.


      Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) version provides tamper-proof, compliant data storage.

      Data encryption for enhanced data security on HPE LTO-4, LTO-5, LTO-6, LTO-7 and LTO-8 Ultrium. Compliance with FIPS 140-2 level 1 security standards.

      Value for money

      Standardizing on HPE LTO Ultrium delivers the capacity to meet shrinking backup windows, industry-standard, AES 256-bit encryption (IEEE1619.1), and interchangeable RW or WORM media, without extra space or IT resource overhead.

      Open standard technology ensures compatibility across product generations and gives you more choice. Cartridges are available as Custom Labeled, Non-Custom Labeled (both Custom and Non Custom include RFID options for some formats) and non-labeled versions.

      Tape Drive LTO-1 Media LTO-2 Media LTO-3 Media LTO-4 Media LTO-5 Media LTO-6 Media LTO-7 Media LTO-7 M8 LTO-8 Universal Cleaning
      LTO-1 Tape Drive Read/Write
      LTO-2 Tape Drive Read/Write Read/Write
      LTO-3 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
      LTO-4 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
      LTO-5 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
      LTO-6 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
      LTO-7 Tape Drive Read Only Read/Write Read/Write
      LTO-8 Tape Drive Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write
      Characteristics LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-7 LTO-7 TypeM LTO-8 LTO UCC
      Recording Format LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-7 LTO Ultrium 7 Type M (M8) LTO-8 Cleaning
      Part No. C7971A C7972A C7973A C7974A C7975A C7976A C7976B C7977A Q2078M Q2078A C7978A
      Native Capacity 100 GB 200 GB 400 GB 800 GB 1.5 TB 2.5 TB 2.5 TB 6 TB 9TB 12 TB -
      Compressed Capacity 200 GB 400 GB 800 GB 1.6 TB 3.0 TB 6.25 TB 6.25 TB 15 TB 22.5 TB 30 TB -
      Assume Compression 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2 Ratio 1 (2:1) 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 2.5 : 1 -
      Data Transfer Rate ( Native/Compressed) MB/s 20/40 40/80 80/160 120/240 140/280 160/400 160/400 300/750 300/750 360/900 -
      Tape Length (meters) 609 609 680 820 846 846 846 960 960 960 -
      Material Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle(MP) Metal Particle Barrium ferite (BaFe) Barrium ferite (BaFe) Barrium ferite (BaFe) Barrium ferite (BaFe) -
      Variants Read Write (RW) Read Write (RW) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) Read Write (RW) Read Write (RW), Write once Read Many (WORM) -
      Archival Life 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years 30 Years -
      Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Limited Lifetime Warranty as specified by Manufacturer Max 50 Cleanings Per Tape

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