Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE

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Brand: PRO-DEVICES      

Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE

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Brand: PRO-DEVICES      

More Information about Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE

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Free Shipping for Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE in UAE

We Ship Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE to Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Rest of the UAE free of cost. We have Export freight rates for this product also to Middle East including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. For African countries, our organized carriers tend to be expensive and we ask that you arrange shipping yourself. VAT Exceptions for export orders from the UAE are available if shipped from Jebel Ali or if your carrier issues proper export documentation

Information about Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE from Vendor Site

The ProDevice ASM240/ASM240+ degausser is undoubtedly the most innovative device for the permanent and safe data removal from magnetic media. The easy to use and technologically advanced degausser is based on the best components and patented technologies. The process of designing, manufacturing and testing the degausser in our R&D center is based on restrictive guidelines and procedures that guarantee its highest quality. Unique functions and efficiency of operation make it the most rational choice among degaussers available on the market. The ProDevice ASM240 is ideal for enterprises that follow strict rules related to information security.

ProDevice Mobile App. available and included to scan the serial number of the media and generate an automatic report.

Why use our Degausser to Securely wipe data from your Storage media

  • 100% efficiency – irreversibly erasing data from any magnetic carrier (magnetic field =  up to 22 000 Gauss, 2.2T).

  • Cooperation with mobile devices – the degausser can be operated using an intuitive application. It is the only device in the world with such functionality. 

  • Short time of data destruction from the carrier:  17 seconds (ASM240+) or 30 seconds (ASM240).

  • Easy inventory of degaussed carriers – barcode reading facilitates device identification.

  • Compliance with procedures – photographing the media from the degausser (ASM240+) and mobile application |(ASM240 and ASM240+) , recording a video of the data deletion process.

  • User-friendly, automatic reporting of the entire degaussing process – the Mobile App report includes: execution date, information about the employee, serial numbers of deguaussed carriers, photos and videos documenting the demagnetization, classification, media type, result of the process.

  • Innovative PPMS (Pre-Paid Management System) technology – the ability to program a specific number of information erasing cycles, after which the device is automatically blocked.

  • Flexible network mode – the device can be connected to the Ethernet network.

  • Dedicated software – to manage the device’s history and parameters.

 Security mandates and standards  our Degaussers comply with

  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry), Data Security Standard

  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Guidelines for Media; Sanitization: NIST SP 800-36 NIST SP 800-88

  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

  • PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)


Media you can securely erase with our Degausser

  • HDDs: 2.5” and 3.5”. Any Interface - SAS or SATA. Caddy needs to be removed

  • All kind of Data tape media: LTO, DLT, SDLT, DDS, DAT, AIT, Travan, SLR, QIC, 3592, 3590E, 3490E, 3480, 9840, 9940, T10K

  • Others: floppy disks 3.5”, some audio and video cassettes

Media you can not Erase Permanently with Degaussers

Flash Media ( including USB Drives, Flash Drives, SSDs and memory Cards) can not be degaussed.

 Specifications of our Degausser

Max. magnetic field 2.2T=22 000 Gauss 2.2T=22 000 Gauss
Data removal cycle 30s / unit* 17s / unit*
Charging time between two cycles 0s 0s
Mobile App Yes Yes
Barcode scanner and camera Yes Yes
Built-in camera No Yes
Reporting Yes Yes
PPMS Technology Yes Yes
Power supply 115V, 230V / 50Hz, 60Hz 115V, 230V / 50Hz, 60Hz
Dimensions 465mm x 350mm x 325mm 465mm x 350mm x 325mm
Maximum media size 150mm x 112mm x 25mm 150mm x 112mm x 25mm
Weight 38kg 36g
Shipping case (option) Yes Yes
Warranty 2 years up to 5 years 2 years up to 5 years

Description, Specifications for Pro-Devices ASM240/ASM240+ Degausser in UAE

The ProDevice ASM240/ASM240+ degausser is undoubtedly the most innovative device for the permanent and safe data removal from magnetic media. The easy to use and technologically advanced degausser is based on the best components and patented technologies. The process of designing, manufacturing and testing the degausser in our R&D center is based on restrictive guidelines and procedures that guarantee its highest quality. Unique functions and efficiency of operation make it the most rational choice among degaussers available on the market. The ProDevice ASM240 is ideal for enterprises that follow strict rules related to information security.

ProDevice Mobile App. available and included to scan the serial number of the media and generate an automatic report.

Why use our Degausser to Securely wipe data from your Storage media

  • 100% efficiency – irreversibly erasing data from any magnetic carrier (magnetic field =  up to 22 000 Gauss, 2.2T).

  • Cooperation with mobile devices – the degausser can be operated using an intuitive application. It is the only device in the world with such functionality. 

  • Short time of data destruction from the carrier:  17 seconds (ASM240+) or 30 seconds (ASM240).

  • Easy inventory of degaussed carriers – barcode reading facilitates device identification.

  • Compliance with procedures – photographing the media from the degausser (ASM240+) and mobile application |(ASM240 and ASM240+) , recording a video of the data deletion process.

  • User-friendly, automatic reporting of the entire degaussing process – the Mobile App report includes: execution date, information about the employee, serial numbers of deguaussed carriers, photos and videos documenting the demagnetization, classification, media type, result of the process.

  • Innovative PPMS (Pre-Paid Management System) technology – the ability to program a specific number of information erasing cycles, after which the device is automatically blocked.

  • Flexible network mode – the device can be connected to the Ethernet network.

  • Dedicated software – to manage the device’s history and parameters.

 Security mandates and standards  our Degaussers comply with

  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry), Data Security Standard

  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Guidelines for Media; Sanitization: NIST SP 800-36 NIST SP 800-88

  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

  • PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)


Media you can securely erase with our Degausser

  • HDDs: 2.5” and 3.5”. Any Interface - SAS or SATA. Caddy needs to be removed

  • All kind of Data tape media: LTO, DLT, SDLT, DDS, DAT, AIT, Travan, SLR, QIC, 3592, 3590E, 3490E, 3480, 9840, 9940, T10K

  • Others: floppy disks 3.5”, some audio and video cassettes

Media you can not Erase Permanently with Degaussers

Flash Media ( including USB Drives, Flash Drives, SSDs and memory Cards) can not be degaussed.

 Specifications of our Degausser

Max. magnetic field 2.2T=22 000 Gauss 2.2T=22 000 Gauss
Data removal cycle 30s / unit* 17s / unit*
Charging time between two cycles 0s 0s
Mobile App Yes Yes
Barcode scanner and camera Yes Yes
Built-in camera No Yes
Reporting Yes Yes
PPMS Technology Yes Yes
Power supply 115V, 230V / 50Hz, 60Hz 115V, 230V / 50Hz, 60Hz
Dimensions 465mm x 350mm x 325mm 465mm x 350mm x 325mm
Maximum media size 150mm x 112mm x 25mm 150mm x 112mm x 25mm
Weight 38kg 36g
Shipping case (option) Yes Yes
Warranty 2 years up to 5 years 2 years up to 5 years

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